Ebony Blanding

Project Title
And So They Rested

Grant Amount

not available

Project Description

Paying homage to southern motifs and black performance art, And so they rested takes place at “The Festival of Naps” – a festival for black people in need of intentional break. Dropping into the first day of the jubilee, a large congregation gathers to listen to a passionate Nap Bishop (former Idea Capital Grant Recipient, Tricia Hershey-Patrick) speak on black liberation theology and rest as resistance. Meditative in black intimacy and intentionality, And so they rested, visualizes the different forms liberation takes, and the experiences and imaginings that lie behind it.

Talk to Plants (2018) (short experimental narrative) (16:02)

Talk to Plants (2018) (short experimental narrative) (16:02)

Talk to Plants (2018) (short experimental narrative) (16:02)

Talk to Plants (2018) (short experimental narrative) (16:02)