Elizabeth Dinkova

Project Title
Talk To Me Like a Rock’ n ‘Roll Jesus with a Cowboy Mouth

Grant Amount


Project Description

“Talk to Me Like a Rock ‘n’ Roll Jesus with a Cowboy Mouth” is a theatrical experience aiming to dismantle our reverence for two of America’s biggest theatrical icons - Sam Shepard and Tennessee Williams – and to get Atlanta to commune with them with passion and abandon. “Cowboy Mouth”, based on Patti Smith and Sam Shepard’s real relationship, at times darkly twisted or absurdly funny, is about two odd young people clinging to each other with desperation and humor as they theorize and play at being rock’n’roll saviors. “Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let me Listen” tells the story of Man, dazedly trying to make meaning out of his life after a brush with drunken despair, and Woman, who is purposefully wasting away and dreaming of living by the sea, and the ocean of unspoken disappointments that separates them. Elizabeth Dinkova will direct Shepard’s “Cowboy Mouth” and Williams’ “Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen” and turn this double bill into an intimate yet explosive rock concert, with two actors and three musicians performing both pieces.

From “The Seagull”, adapted by Elizabeth Dinkova, at Serenbe Playhouse.

From “The Seagull”, adapted by Elizabeth Dinkova, at Serenbe Playhouse.

From “The Seagull”, adapted by Elizabeth Dinkova, at Serenbe Playhouse.

From “The Seagull”, adapted by Elizabeth Dinkova, at Serenbe Playhouse.